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Returns network usage on an interface. By default, the API endpoint will show the current counter value of bytes send/recieved. If you'd like to see a per second version, you can set the delta value to get the per second version. Delta is calculated as change per second since the last call.

Checks that are ran using the check command or through the plugin will always set delta=1 so it will always return units per second when running checks.


Parameter Default Description
against total The value to check the warning and critical thresholds against. Options: in, out, total.
delta 0 Setting delta to 1 will return the delta values since the last call. This value will be set to 1 when check is set to 1 or true.
units defaultUnits Sets the units that will be returned. Available units: kB, KiB, MB, MiB, GB, GiB, TB, TiB. Default is set by defaultUnits in the config.yml.
pretty false Set to 1 or true to format the JSON returned using a pretty print function.
check false To run the endpoint and get check results, set to 1 or true.
warning Optional warning threshold value for checks.
critical Optional critical threshold value for checks.

Counter Example

    "hardwareAddr": "2c:f0:5d:8a:96:6b",
    "addrs": [
            "addr": "fe80::8b88:df2:9ba0:f362/64"
            "addr": ""
    "name": "Ethernet",
    "bytesSent": 2872277064,
    "bytesRecv": 76592601758,
    "packetsSent": 16771499,
    "packetsRecv": 55809453,
    "errin": 0,
    "errout": 0,
    "dropin": 449377,
    "dropout": 0,
    "fifoin": 0,
    "fifoout": 0

Delta Example

This example shows using the delta value

./ -H localhost -t private -e network -q "name=Ethernet" -w 100 -c 200 -u kB
    "outTotal": 2376.871,
    "outPerSec": 30.64,
    "inTotal": 40.689,
    "inPerSec": 1789.866,
    "units": "kB"
    "exitcode": 2,
    "output": "CRITICAL - Current network traffic 362.19 kB/s",
    "perfdata": "'in'=343.81kB/s;100;200 'out'=18.38kB/s;100;200",
    "longoutput": ""
CRITICAL - Current network traffic 1268.70 kB/s | 'in'=1244.99kB/s;100;200 'out'=23.70kB/s;100;200